Monday, April 13, 2009

Dinner Club Rules!!!

OK ladies-here we go!
Hopefully with a little patiences this adventure will prove to simplify our lives and not complicate.
To make this a successful group and a rewarding experience here are some rules I thought would be helpful:

Each meal should feed six adults.

The meal is designed to be the main dish. You do not need to provide any other sides, but please provide any uncooked rice, pasta, or buns that are needed to complete the main dish.

Keep in mind as you add your ingredients, not everyone may like added quantities of certain items such as onions, pepper, garlic or whatever. Be moderate and maybe write in your instructions that adding in more of a certain item may be good. Of course I am not saying make the food bland, just moderate spices and stronger tasting ingredients.

Somehow, through our posts or another method it may be helpful as you decide what you are going to make for that next months meal to post it so that we don't end up with 10 chicken meals, but with a variety. We'll have to work on this one....suggestions???

The budget/spending goal is $75 for the 10 meals you will prepare--give or take a little. If you find yourself under budget, you can always include a little something extra on the side, like chips, juice, or a pudding box.

What I will say next really goes without saying, but I know we are all thinking of it, so I will go ahead and state the obvious. When preparing your meals please be EXTRA meticulous in your methods of preparation being overly precautious as to the cleanliness in all you do in making your meals for others to enjoy.

Because these meals should arrive FROZEN, please prepare the meal accordingly. For example, undercook pasta and rice, or do not cook them at all and put them in a separate baggie to prepare at time of meal preparation. Also keep in mind ingredients that don't freeze well and separate them into baggies as well.

Package the meal in a disposable container, such as a freezer ziploc bag or aluminum casserole pan covered with a lid or foil.

Write on the packaging the Meal Title, Directions on how to cook the meal, the date-month and year

Bring frozen meals in a basket, cooler, or large box to exchange on specified date, then leave with 10 DIFFERENT meals------(We will need to determine the best date and location, keep it consistant and as convenient as possible-Suggestions???)


  1. I am so excited to do this! I can't make it on the 5th, but I will chat with you to figure out what I need to do. I was thinking of doing Simply Lasagna or Tortilla Casserole? Has anyone said what they are making yet?

  2. I have tried a few of the meals and so far we are doing great. We are not picky and will trade food for something new. We have enjoyed what we have tried and are excited to try the other meals. It is nice to be able to have things that you can just finish throwing together or just heat up. I love it!!! Can't wait to see what we exchange next month.
